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Brush DC Servo Module 2.0

Brushed DC Servo Module

Mecanum wheel module test log1

Mecanum wheel Module - Mechanical structure

Open-Source CAN Bus Close-loop Brushed DC-Motor Contorller (v2.0 pcb log)

Make a Mecanum wheel by yourself!!!

Open-Source inverted pendulum

Open-Source robotic arm Abot

Robotics and Autonomous Systems

IEEE Transactions on Robotics - new TOC

MIT News - Computer science and technology

IEEE Spectrum Robotics

Robotics Research News -- ScienceDaily

ROS robotics news

The Robot Report

机器人大讲堂 - 知乎专栏

腿足式机器人的机电系统实现 - 知乎专栏

Blog – Hackaday